Interclass English Debate Competition- Std. 9 and 10 “You don't win a debate by suppressing discussion; you win it with a better argument.” The Interclass English Debate Competition for Std. IX and X was held on Tuesday, the 29 th of November 2022 in the Gulati Hall. The event began at 9 a.m. straight after...Read More
Ignatian Legacy On 26 th November, 2022 a seminar was held at Loyola High School, Pashan. The Pune Province Apostolic planned an on-going training for the newly inducted teachers. Mr. Hector was the resource person for the seminar. The theme of the seminar was ‘Ignatian Legacy’.Read More
Morning Assembly Morning Assembly brings the entire school together as a family. It is the beginning of each day which establishes a positive tone for teachers and students. It is the first platform which is provided to young minds, boosting their confidence towards public speaking, and imbibing a feeling of team spirit in their nascent...Read More
Career Guidance Program A career guidance program was conducted for NCC Cadets on 25 th September 2022. With a plethora of career options available in contemporary times, the role of a career counselling session becomes indispensable.The students along with their parents attended the interactive session. During the session the speaker educated the students to understand...Read More
Ignatian Spirituality – A way to inner peace “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ― Dalai Lama XIV The Jesuit community conducted three seminars on the 2 nd of July 14 th and 28 th of August 2022 at Sanjeevan Ashram about Ignatian Spirituality- a way...Read More
OUT REACH PROGRAMME: FEAST OF ST. VINCENT DEPAUL On the occasion of the Feast of St. Vincent DePaul, an out reach programme was organised by the teachers in-charge. Students from Std. I to IV were requested to bring various items such as soaps, toothpaste, tea, dal and a few more. All these items were brought...Read More
Orientation for Self- Discovery On the 8 th of July, the students of Std. IX experienced a true inner discovery of themselves in an Orientation conducted by Rev. Fr. Lawrence. The theme of the event was – ‘Becoming a Shining Star on Earth’. The students gained insight into how self- esteem and self- confidence are...Read More
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