Theaterstück Camp – A Theatre Camp for German Plays

Theaterstück Camp – A Theatre Camp for German Plays

Goethe Institute and Pasch, Pune, arranged a Theaterstück Camp (a theatre camp) on the 26 th and 27 th of August for the students across the schools of Pune at Hotel Central Park. The Camp was named ‘Spielen wir Theater? Ja!! Aber auf Deutsch’ Nikhil Senapati of XII A got an opportunity to attend this camp. Mr Pranav Bapat was the speaker for both days. He gave the students insight into German plays and helped them know more about them. Students participated in various activities enthusiastically. They were divided into groups and performed plays such as “Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten”. This provided them with a deeper insight into the world of acting. Mrs Vaishali Dapke, the BKD Project Director, also shared some of her stage play experiences. The weekend was extremely insightful, with lots of knowledge and memories to cherish.

Teacher incharge – Ms Manila Williams

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