Pre-Primary Annual Day

The months from October to December are the most awaited months of the year for all. These months bring in different festivals, fun and excitement. I am sure we all look forward for these like our little ones. After giving our best in the first term, it was now time for fun and frolic. To begin with the festivities, we started with The Festival of Lights. Children made colorful and beautiful lanterns and decorated their classes, dressed in their traditional attire, and enjoyed the day before going for their break.  In school we not only impart academic knowledge but also instill in them our values. Children are taught the importance of each festival.

After a nice vacation the boys of the pre-primary were welcomed back for another exciting term with an orange day and a little children’s day surprise by their teachers. The colour Orange signifies confidence, enthusiasm, warmth, optimism and true to this the choice of colour was just right to begin the second term. The children came dressed in orange t-shirts and had a wonderful time dancing to lovely music and enjoyed their favourite lollipops.

Next in the pipeline was the most awaited event of the year Our Annual Concert. The theme for this year was ‘Rainbow of Possibilities’. Getting the boys to dance is not as easy as it may seem, but the efforts put in by the teachers and boys finally paid off. The event was held on 8th December and was a grand success. An event which will be remembered for a very long time. The kind words of appreciation by our very own principal Fr. Patekar and our parents were proof enough of the success. After all the hard work it was time to party again and the children eagerly looking forward for their favourite Santa. Here he came in as Secret Santa. Thru this activity we instilled the values of sharing with one another. The boys exchanged gifts and snacks with their friends in class. It was indeed a moment to cherish.

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