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Inter Class Sports Tournament An interclass basketball and football tournament were held for  the students of the primary section. The tournament showcased sportsmanship and athletic abilities of various classes. The football tournament was held on the 13th and 14th of March for the students of std 1and 2 while the basketball tournament was held on the 16th and 17th of March, 2023 for the students of std 3 and std...
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A special assembly was held on the 21st of March, 2023 in the Fr. Oesch Hall to bless the students of std 4 as they journey ahead from their primary schooling towards the high school. The theme of the assembly was ‘Aim for the Stars.’ This special assembly was presided over by the Principal, Rev. Fr. Patekar, Vice Principal Rev. Fr. Raja and Supervisor, Mrs Cabral. The assembly included a...
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Pre-Primary Yellow Day Students and staff of the pre-primary celebrated Yellow Day on 3 rd March 2023 and this was the third colour picked for this academic year, keeping in mind the upcoming Holi festivities. The boys of both UKG and LKG were asked to come dressed in yellow coloured t-shirts or shirts along with the rest of their school uniform. Likewise, the staff members also came dressed according to...
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Inter School Sports Carnival An inter-school sports carnival was organized on 2 nd March, 2023 by Loyola Primary School, Pune. It was a day-long event, and teams from renowned schools participated in the carnival. The event aimed to provide an opportunity for students to showcase their athletic abilities and promote healthy competition. The chief guests were Fr. Wilfred Fernandes and Mr Hector Andrade. The sports carnival comprised of various events...
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An Inter-class obstacle race was held for the students of Std 3 and Std 4 on the 16th of February and for the students of Std 1 and Std 2 on the 17th of February, 2023. The students overcame physical challenges in the form of obstacles that were widely spread across the school ground. Some of the challenging yet interesting obstacles which they went through were the Wen, Military Crawling, Tire Run, Balancing...
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